So we made it to Istanbul last night at about 9pm. Over the last few days we have experienced the crtaziest driving ever. We thought Romanian's were going to be the worst after several hundred miles of everyone overtaking everyone and seeing numerous near-crashes in front of us. Then we got to Turkey!
Turkey is ridiculous. On the way into Istanbul there are up to 5 lanes of traffic all doing about 70mph with no road markings. It was dark, our lights barely illuminated the road ahead and we were being cut up by massive trucks and buses. You feel a little vulnerable driving such a small car in situations like that.
Our hostel is in the old Citadel of the city within 5 minutes of the Blue Mosque. We spent an hour driving Italian Job style with team 'Ghenghis Can' and 'Pedal Faster' in our red, white and blue cars. Several wrong turnings up one way roads and crazy moments of missing lights, but we managed to navigate it succesfully and without getting inany trouble with the police.

We will be setting off from here tomorrow morning, heading up towards the north coast of Turkey on our way to Georgia. We still don't know if they will let us into Turkmenistan. Hopefully it will be okay!
Tim and Tom x